In order to create real change, we need to work together. The National Network aims to drive collaboration within and across relevant sectors, including among researchers, clinicians, consumers, carers, policy makers, funders and other groups affected by eating disorders.

Elizabeth Rieger

Prof Elizabeth Rieger

Australian National University

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Andrea Phillipou

Assoc Prof Andrea Phillipou

Orygen and The University of Melbourne

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Workstream Post Doctoral Researchers
Dr Romany McGuffog

Dr Romany McGuffog

Postdoctoral Researcher, Australian National University

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Advisory Committee Members
Dr Beth Shelton

Dr Beth Shelton

Advisory Chair

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Michael Berk

Prof Michael Berk

MAGNET Clinical Trial Network, Deakin University

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Shannon Calvert

Shannon Calvert

Lived Experience Advisor

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Stacey Vervoort

Stacey Vervoort

Black Dog Institute

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Kathina Ali

Dr Kathina Ali

Research Fellow, Flinders University

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Dr Amanda Neil

Principal Research Fellow, University of Tasmania

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Sharon Lawn

Prof Sharon Lawn

Chair and Executive Director of Lived Experience Australia

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Lisa Hodge

Dr Lisa Hodge

Senior Lecturer, Charles Darwin University

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Amy Hannigan

Queensland Eating Disorder Service (QuEDS)

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Siân McLean

Dr Siân McLean

La Trobe University

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Photo of Ginny Sargent

Dr Ginny Sargent

ANU College of Health and Medicine

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The National Network will establish a broad reaching research and translation network which covers all geographic jurisdictions (including regional and remote areas) ensuring that local connections are fostered and developed. It will integrate with existing research networks and encourage the development of a research sector that thinks in national rather than institutional/organisational terms.

All activities undertaken by the National Network work stream will be guided by the National Network Advisory Group. Members of this group bring diverse skills, knowledge, and expertise while ensuring diversity and inclusivity.

Research can transform people's lives.

The Australian Eating Disorders Research and Translation Centre is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the National Leadership in Mental Health program.

Lead Agency, InsideOut Institute for Eating Disorders, is a joint venture between the Sydney Local Health District and the University of Sydney